About Us

SIBSPlace is like having an extended family.

Since opening our doors in October of 2000, SIBSPlace has followed a psychosocial support model based in prevention theory. Focus and attention are placed on the challenges the well sibling faces in coping with their emotional response to having a brother, sister with cancer or another devastating illness or a parent diagnosed with cancer. Living with an ill loved one puts these children at risk for intense anxiety, mostly due to the loss of control of their home situation. Through art, music and verbal expressive activities the SIBSPlace program designs opportunities for the children to build meaningful relationships, externalize feelings and have them validated while connecting with peers living through similar circumstances.

Prevention theory demonstrates that children who are able to express feelings, problem solve and reduce their stress level tend to become more functional and competent as adults. Motivated by studies that indicate that the well sibling struggles with feelings of fear, sadness, anger, loss of control, anxiety, abandonment, isolation, embarrassment, jealousy and guilt, we encourage the children at SIBSPlace to utilize peer support to share feelings and concerns about their ill loved one. Through planned activities facilitated by mental health staff, curriculum is geared to promote resiliency while improving emotional vocabulary, self-expression and self-awareness.

While attending the SIBSPlace program, participants are provided with opportunities for empowerment to help build self-esteem and self-worth. The provision of consistent routines while engaging in an array of enriching activities, fosters stability and the development of coping skills while increasing the children’s sense of power and control and reducing feelings of anxiety.

Actually, SIBSPlace is like having an extended family. Children are encouraged to have fun, while they are being supported through their growth and development.

Our program exists to enhance the lives of our SIBS kids so they always remember feeling special and important by those who took the time to listen, to hear and to care

Robust family participation at SIBSPlace, encouragement by Mount Sinai South Nassaul and dedicated community support led the program to apply for a 501c-3 designation as a charitable foundation. In collaboration with the hospital, SIBSPlace, Inc. was happily established in 2015 and an official Board of Directors was approved in 2017 by the Mount Sinai South Nassau Board.

SIBSPlace, Inc. is now an affiliate of Mount Sinai South Nassau.