Who will ever understand how "I" feel?
When a child loses a brother, sister or parent the world becomes a very dark place. Although surrounded by classmates and friends, they mostly feel alone, isolated- wondering how can everyone else be laughing and going around doing the same things they always did ... "my whole world has come to a standstill!"
Bereaved children may go through the motions, but their minds are in chaos. They wonder: How do they make sense of their loss? Why did this happen? Who will ever understand how "I" feel?
We offer a highly requested service on the South Shore of Long Island to grieving children due to the loss of a parent or sibling.
Our time limited support group session is held for registered participants on Wednesdays evenings. The focus of the group is to help children:
- Tell the story of their loss
- Talk about the approach of special occasions such as: birthdays and holidays and adjust to celebrating milestone events- such as graduations - without their loved one
- Identify qualities they possess that they internalized from their loved one
- Identify a way to say good-bye if they feel they "missed the opportunity"
- Consider the message they would like to share with the person who died
- Discuss who can fill some of the roles now left vacant
- Journal as a means of self-expression
- Develop tactics for "remembering"
- Explore the need to create new traditions
We hope you'll keep us in mind when you learn of a child in your family, school or community in need of a place to be with peers, where they can learn and use coping skills to navigate a life that has been turned upside down and thrown off-balance.
Mother Cabrini Health Foundation
SIBSPlace is honored to be selected as a grantee of the Mother Cabrini Health Foundation, learn more here.
For more information or to register your child call Kerri Wagner at 516-374-3000 or email Kerri.Wagner@snch.org.